Tuesday 12 May 2015

Jeffrey Zisselman Legal involved in helping the victims in the earthquake in Nepal

Recently, a dangerous earthquake hit Nepal. More than six thousand people already have been declared as dead, but what is worse is that there are still no official results that will confirm the exact number of the dead. Fearful is the fate that befell Nepal and some other countries experienced the worst earthquake after the sad story from the distant 1934. Nevertheless, this damage is not something that can repair easily. At least not one that concerns human lives that were extinguished through this earthquake. It remains to pray and to help everyone with their own possibilities to inculcate these people hope that things will be better as the time passes and that there is still a light at the end of the road. The material assistance, which can be donated, will help them stand on their feet all over again to re-create their lives.

Knowing what kind of person is "Jeffrey Zisselman"; it is understandable that "Jeff Zisselman" would do everything in his possibilities to help. Human values are very important for Jeff Zisselman Legal and Diana, and therefore they strive to extend good will between people and help them not only materially, but spiritually to withstand the most difficult moments through which they pass.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really it was great disaster. i really appreciate jeff zisselman's donation and work for nepal victims.
